Running Simulations

Multi-timestep simulations are started by:


Multi-timestep simulations can also be run in batch using a saved workspace. In this case, the command line arguments are:

-b: Run in batch mode

-i WORKSPACE: Input workspace file (required)

-o RUNNAME: Run name used in generating output file name for each incident flux surface element (defaults to name set in simulation configuration)

-d OUTPUT_DIR: The directory for the output files (defaults to directory set in simulation configuration)

-x Overwrite existing data files

-h Prints a help message.

When running simulations in batch mode, a copy of the workspace file is written in the directory specified for output files. This workspace file copy has a name that is the same as the run name, with a ".vwc" extension. The file includes all power source and radiosity data computed during the simulation, and therefore can be opened with VISRAD so that results such as Laser Power Deposited and Radiation Temperature can be displayed.



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